Privacy notice

Ross Ranch Tack strives to maintain internal controls and procedures to ensure that the personal information you share with us is handled in a safe, secure and responsible manner. Whether you are shopping online or through our catalogs, we have security measures in place to help protect against loss, unauthorized access and alteration of the information in our control. We only will disclose such information to employees and authorized service providers who require such information for the purposes described in this Policy.

Ross Ranch Tack's databases are protected by physical, technical and procedural measures that restrict information access to authorized persons in accordance with this Policy. Although no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed 100% secure, and we cannot ensure against any loss, misuse, unauthorized disclosure, alteration,or destruction of data, we take reasonable precautions to prevent such unfortunate occurrences. Our information systems are maintained behind a firewall to isolate them from access by other networks connected to the Internet, and access to personally-identifiable information is granted only to associates who need the information to perform a specific job.

Because your credit card security is a high priority, we have taken numerous steps to ensure your payment information is processed confidentially, accurately and securely. Our Site uses encryption technology, such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), to protect your credit card information during data transport. SSL encrypts ordering information such as your name, physical address and credit card number.

To provide you with an increased level of security online, you may also select a password to access your personal information when you register for an online account. Ross Ranch Tack will not ask you for your password in an unsolicited communication.